Discover Fedepiloti


The Italian Maritime Pilot’s Federation was officially born on March 20, 1947. In the hall of the Library of the Marcantile Navy Ministry, the National Assembly deliberated the constitution of the Italian Federation among the Port Pilots Corps by electing a Board of Directors and the first President of the Federation in the person of Commander Cesare Rosasco, M.O. to military valor and Chief Pilot of the Port of Genoa.
Since then, the Federation has looked after the ethical, moral and economic interests of the category of Italian Drivers.

In its dual role as a trade association and trade union, Fedepiloti resolves problems of an economic nature (tariffs) but also those of a technical, legal, moral, welfare and social security nature, as well as the fiscal classification of the bodies, the integration of income from pilots from low-traffic ports and, last but not least, from handling relations with the central and peripheral Authority.

During these long years of activity, Fedepiloti has never lost sight of the fundamental value of what, more than a profession, is a mission, which makes us proud to be able to say that we represent a world that is too often little known, but which hides human and professional implications of the highest level.


The harbour Pilots are organized into Corporations, currently 32, present in the Italian ports where the pilotage obligation is established with specific ministerial decrees. In addition to the figure of the Pilot, who accesses the profession through a public competition, our system provides for that of the piloting officer (Article 102 of the Regulations to the C.d.N.) and, in ports where a Corporation of Pilots is not established, the local Practitioner (Article 96 of the C.d.N.). Access to the profession of Pilot is achieved through a public competition based on qualifications and exams.

The Corporations carry out the piloting service through the participating Harbour Pilots. The Corporation is the port security outpost and the Pilots are the first point of contact between the ship and the mainland. They are the first link in the port logistics chain. Corporations are public bodies with legal personality established by Presidential Decree They are part of the indirect organization of the administration of navigation and implement an aim of public interest, namely the safety of navigation.

The main task of the Harbour Pilots is to suggest the route and assist the Commander of the ship in determining the maneuvers in port waters thanks to their knowledge of the operational practices of the port but also of the local weather and sea conditions. In addition, the Pilots are direct interlocutors of the Maritime Authority, report directly to the Port Commander and are central actors in sea safety, port security and the protection of the marine environment.

The piloting service is a public service that is provided by pilots 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and in any weather condition.


